Each day, you make important choices about your finances, health, privacy, and more. Whether you are new to Medicare or not, it is important to be an informed consumer. Ensure you are properly covered, know where and how to get coverage, and protect yourself from fraud.
Here are 5 things you can do to become an informed Medicare consumer:
- Know your rights. As a person with Medicare, you have certain rights and protections designed to help protect you and make sure you get the health care services the law says you can get. See 5 Tasks For Your First Year with Medicare to get the most out of your Medicare.
- Protect your identity. Identity theft happens when someone uses your personal information without your consent to commit fraud or other crimes. Keep information like your Social Security Number, bank account numbers and Medicare Number safe. Your Medicare card will have your Medicare Number on it that is unique to you.
- Get involved with other seniors with the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP). The SMP educates and empowers people with Medicare to take an active role in detecting and preventing healthcare fraud and abuse.
- Speak with a licensed agent: Medicare can be confusing and there are so many rules and enrollment timelines to sort through. A licensed agent that is contracted and certified is a great place to get answers to your questions and to compare coverage options.
- Make informed Medicare choices. Each year during the fall Open Enrollment Period (October 15–December 7), review your plan to make sure it will meet your needs for the next year. If you’re not satisfied with your current plan, you can switch during the Open Enrollment Period.
Check out the medicare.gov video for tips on preventing Medicare fraud.
Still have questions about Medicare and coverage? For more information, or to speak to a friendly, licensed agent contact us HERE.